let’s face it, the vast majority of us aren’t MARTIAL MASTERS OF THE HIDDEN KUNG FU LEGENDS. In fact most of the people reading this blog probably have little or no advanced martial arts training at all. So how do we expect to protect ourselves in the event of an attack?
Read moreSelf-Defense: How Not To Look Like A Victim
According to researchers Marcus Felson and Ronald Clarke, opportunity plays a role in almost every crime. In theory, by reducing the possible opportunities for a crime, you can reduce the statistical probability of becoming a victim. People apply this theory every day by locking their homes and vehicles, installing alarm systems, and hiding valuables out of sight. So what about you?
Read moreSelf-Defense: Situational Awareness
Have you ever been to a movie or read a book where a character seems always to be able to predict what is going to happen? Every time the camera pans to some impending doom, it comes back to that character and finds them coolly prepared and responding to the threat. Wouldn’t it be great to have that skill? Well, I can’t promise that you will become a Jason Bourne or Sherlock Holmes, but if you practice the techniques in this post, you will find yourself more able to stay out of trouble or deal with it when trouble finds you.
Read moreSelf-Defense: They Can't Hit What Isn't There.
We all have those gut feelings when something isn’t right. Often times, that feeling is our senses and subconscious analysis telling us that we should avoid a certain area, activity, or person. Got a “bad feeling”? Listen to it! It may save your life!
Read moreSelf-Defense: Parking Lot Safety
Suddenly, and without warning, vice-like arms grab you from behind lifting your feet off the ground. Before you know what has happened, you are thrown to the ground and struck several times in the face and body. You attempt to struggle to your feet, but someone yells and pushes you down on your face. You manage one cry for help...
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