Self Defense: Personal Alarms and Other Tools

Isn’t it cool to watch a martial arts Grandmaster demonstrate self-defense techniques? People run at him from all directions and seem to just fly back from him as he applies throws, joint locks, and strikes in a stunning flurry of precise motion! Even people who are skeptical of the martial arts as a whole seem to enjoy watching such demonstrations. But let’s face it, the vast majority of us aren’t MARTIAL MASTERS OF THE HIDDEN KUNG FU LEGENDS. In fact most of the people reading this blog probably have little or no advanced martial arts training at all. So how do we expect to protect ourselves in the event of an attack? Well, if you have been reading along with the “Self-Defense” series here on the blog, you will by now have a general idea of what you can do to prevent that attack from coming at all. However, since we can’t prevent every attack, I have put together a list of tools that may give you the upper hand or at least even the odds a bit.


1.   Personal Alarms – In many cases, criminals are very averse to having attention drawn to their activities. Most criminals don’t want to go to jail. One great feature of many modern vehicles is a “panic button”. These are usually a little red button on your key fob that you can push to set the horn on your car blaring repeatedly. Should you be attacked near your vehicle, you can use this to draw attention to the situation. However, you can’t be sure that you will be attacked near your car. Personal alarms are a great way to make people aware of your situation. They are usually a little key ring fob that has either a button or a pull-pin. When activated, these send out a loud (110-120 decibel) alarm. Just don’t leave it where the kids will find it during Grandpa’s nap time.

2.   Pepper Spray – Man, that stuff is brutal. During my college years, I was taken through training in which I had to be exposed to police grade pepper spray. NOT fun…The good news is, that it can be a very effective tool for distracting a bad guy while you find a safer place to shop. Most convenience stores and shopping centers now offer some type of pepper spray keychain or canister. However, when looking for something like this to carry, remember that you get what you pay for. If you buy it, test it out. If it won’t spray more than 2 feet…well, you might need one of the following options as a backup.

3.   Key Ring “Tools” – Ok, they aren’t really tools, but it sounded better than weapons. These are small wooden or metal key ring attachments that provide the carrier with a stabbing or blunt striking instrument. You don’t have to have a lot of training to hurt a bad guy with a pointy object. However, to get the most out of tools such as a kubiton, I suggest you find your local martial arts or self-defense instructor and learn a few techniques. Actually, many police officers are now trained in the use of these items and can give you a few pointers (pun intended).

4.    Pocket Knife – This old standby never ceases to amaze me with its many uses. Not only does it make everyone your friend during Christmas and other gifting holidays, it acts as a pretty good mugger deterrent. Now it is important to know, that many states and cities and even individual businesses have strict guidelines on the size and type of knives that can be carried by the general public. Also, this is a weapon that has a bad history of being turned on its original user by their attacker. If you are going to carry it, please take some time to learn how to use it.

5.    Firearms – Alright, let the debate begin… Just kidding. Here in Texas, it is legal and normal to own and carry (with a license) firearms for self-protection. I highly recommend that you find a knowledgeable individual to instruct you in the proper storage, transport, and use of a firearm before you decide to purchase and carry one yourself. These are LETHAL tools and should not be taken lightly. If you see it done in the movies, you probably shouldn’t try it with a real gun…just sayin’. However, in the hands of a capable, upright, caring citizen, a firearm is a highly effective tool for protecting both yourself and those around you.

These are just a few of the most common tools for evening your chances in an encounter with your friendly neighborhood thugs. There are more out there, and I encourage you to find one that suits your personal skill level best. Remember, even a pacifist can have a personal alarm, so if you are concerned about the ethical implications of some of the tools, you can at least start with number one. I hope none of you ever has to use these tools, but if you do, I hope that I have encouraged you to carry something that saves your life!

Disclaimer: Federal, state, and local laws should be consulted before you carry or use ANY of the tools mentioned in this post. I DO NOT condone the use of anything that would be against the law.