5 Reasons to Start Martial Arts Today!

1.  FUN!

    Martial arts training is incredibly FUN! Our bodies were designed for movement. In fact, when we are active, our brains actually release chemicals called endorphins that make us feel happy. Humans are also social creatures. We feel most fulfilled when we are engaged with others in a meaningful activity. Martial arts schools generally have a family atmosphere where people are accepted and encouraged.


2. Fitness

    Your body is the only one you will have in this world. The condition of your body can have significant effect on your lifespan and quality of life. Martial arts training is an excellent way to improve your whole body fitness. One of the greatest aspects of martial training is its longevity. Many martial artists continue to practice well into their 80’s and some into their 90’s.  Are you having trouble losing those “cookie pounds”? Joining a martial arts school can be a very effective way to achieve sustainable weight loss. For more information on the benefits of martial fitness, see this blog on the impact of fitness on self-defense:


3. Fortification

    The old saying “fortune favors the prepared” is really pretty accurate. I don’t know about you, but if I am ever attacked, I want to be as prepared as possible! Self-defense is a primary reason that many people seek out a martial arts school. Believe it or not, almost every martial art style on earth has its roots in self-defense. You may be wondering why I didn’t put this as the #1 reason for starting martial arts training. While self-defense is the basis for most martial arts, many styles have drifted away from their original intent toward the sport rather than the defensive skill. To be honest, it depends more on the instructor rather than the style. Most people don’t think of Tai Chi or Wu Shu as an art of self-defense, however, you will find certain instructors who still teach the more practical portions of the style. If you are attending a martial arts school to learn self-defense, talk with the instructor to find out where the focus of their teaching really lies.



4. Family

    There can never be a substitute for the family you are born into. An old saying states that “blood is thicker than water” – meaning that you will always have more ties to your biological family than you will to friends. Unfortunately, since history began, there have been divisions in families. Dysfunction in your family can make you feel unstable and fearful. Martial arts schools in the US are often known by their “family atmosphere”. There is something about working, learning, sweating, and competing together that builds bonds that are hard to break. If you are looking for friendship and support, a martial arts school is a great place to find people who will join with you and support you in your journey toward personal growth. This is not true of every school, but if you ask around, you will find that a large majority of people who train in martial arts can tell some story or other of how their classmates or instructors helped them to get through a difficult time in life.


5: Furthering Personal Growth

Martial arts training is one of the absolute best tools I know of for self-improvement. Do you lack confidence? Training in the martial arts can help you feel sure of yourself through physical activity and social interaction. Does your child struggle with respect? They can learn the value of each human life and respect and honor for elders through the tradition and formality of the martial arts. Do you need self-discipline? Training with others will help you to see the benefits of perseverance, goal setting, and accomplishment. It will give you the motivation and encouragement to develop your own goals and the discipline to achieve them.



If I were to list all the possible benefits of martial arts training, it would take more than a few short blog posts. In reality, the best reason to start training, is the one that applies to you. The reasons that others train, won’t do you any good. Think for a moment what you desire for the improvement of your own life. Now, make your way to your local martial arts school and talk to the instructor to find out how training can help you achieve your goals. If you’re in the Waco area, you can find me at the YMCA! Come give the Taekwondo a try!