Functional Fitness Part 1

What if I told you that there was a “fitness program” that can improve your ability to pursue your life goals while also improving your mind and spirit? Sounds a bit too good to be true, but people have been using the martial arts to stay fit and healthy for literally THOUSANDS of years! Martial arts offers a platform for improving both your body, your mind, and your spirit no matter how old you are.

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5 Reasons to Start Martial Arts Today!

Do you lack confidence? Training in the martial arts can help you feel sure of yourself through physical activity and social interaction. Does your child struggle with respect? They can learn the value of each human life and respect and honor for elders through the tradition and formality of the martial arts. Do you need self-discipline? Training with others will help you to see the benefits of perseverance, goal setting, and accomplishment.

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Self-Defense: Stronger People Are Harder to Kill

"I know from experience that it can be hard to get motivated even with good reasons. Don’t get wrapped up in the idea that you have to train for HOURS a day to become some sort of gymnast or body builder. Start small… spend 10 minutes a day doing some basic exercises and stretches. Squats, lunges, pushups, crunches/sit ups, all seem like simple things, but you don’t need a full home gym and fancy shoes to make yourself safer and more capable."

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