Micro Training for Long Term Success

“Busy” is probably one of the most used words in my vocabulary these days. Unsurprisingly, most of the people I am around seem to feel that they are also incredibly busy. The world of today seems to move twice as fast as it did when we were kids and four times as fast as when our parents were kids. There seems to be no end to the list of things that we all have to do. The New Year has a way of making people think about trying to change their lifestyle for the better. Have you made any New Year resolutions yet? What about “Slow down and enjoy life more” or “Get in better shape”? Those two resolutions are very common, but unfortunately very few people can keep them. There is, however, a solution.

Believe it or not, the ability to slow down and enjoy life more can be helped by getting in better shape. Our minds and our bodies are more energetic and efficient when we are more physically fit. We can analyze information more quickly and make decisions faster just after having exercised in a meaningful way. Great! But how in the world do you fit that cardio kickboxing class into your schedule? The bad news is that even if you do fit it in for a few weeks, you will probably have to give it up when your kid decides to join band or try out a new sport. The good news is, you don’t have to join a 45 minute class to improve your fitness!

Micro training is a tool that people have been using for ages, but it is sadly under-publicized because it doesn’t make gyms much money. However, for most of us, micro training is the fitness solution we have been searching for. In a nut shell, micro training means taking short 5 -10 minute breaks from your normal routine to do some calisthenics or light weight training.  For example, instead of spending your 10  minute break standing around the water cooler discussing politics or weather, you could take those 10 minutes to try some planks, pushups, crunches, or squats. Start small and don’t expect to become a Navy seal overnight. Try some exercises at home first and see what your comfortable limits are. Remember that micro training sessions shouldn’t exhaust you so that you are unable to perform your normal routine. Instead, a session should boost your heart rate and metabolism just enough to make you feel energized.

If you can run through 2-3 micro training sessions each day, you will start to see improvements in your muscle tone, cardio capacity, and energy levels. In order to help you get started, I have put together an example of what a two-a-day micro training program might look like. Don’t take the following exercises as a prescription though. Feel free to mix, match, and add your own personal favorite movements to your workouts.

AM Exercises (10 min):

2 min of joint rotations (neck, shoulders, hips, knees, ankles)

3 sets of 10 each pushups, crunches or sit-ups, squats, and calf raises

1-2 min of light stretching (don’t forget to breath!)

PM Exercises (10 min)

5 min of brisk walking or jogging in place

3 sets of 10 each arm curls, shoulder presses, and one arm tricep extensions.*

1-2 min of stretching and breathing


Of course, these workouts can be modified to fit your personal needs, if they leave you huffing and puffing and unable to converse normally, maybe you should reduce the number of reps or the speed at which you operate. Try to stay just outside your comfort zone though. As you continue to practice these motions your comfort zone will grow, and you will be able to push yourself to do more with each workout.  I hope you find these micro workouts to be a great help in improving your overall fitness and relaxation over the coming year. Remember, the best workout is the one you will do, so make it work for you!

*Pro tip: If you don’t have free weights of your own, use a large can of soup or vegetables!